Wednesday, June 22, 2011

CRM 2011 - How to filter the 'Add Existing' button on a sub-grid. (A.K.A. filtered sub-grid look up)

Update 07 September 2011

If you are looking for a simpler solution that only allows for changing the fetchXML used by the lookup control check out James's post at CRM 2011 Change SubGrid FetchXML.

I had hoped that Microsoft would provide support for applying custom views to the lookup used by sub-grids, since you can use the Xrm.Page.ui.addCustomView method to apply a custom view to a lookup control. Unfortunately, the Xrm.Page.ui.addCustomView method only works for lookup controls. So for the past three full days I have spent my time trying to understand how the addCustomView method works so I could extend it to support sub-grids. The code below does this; however, IT HAS BEEN TESTED MINIMALLY and thus may not address your particular case. If you find issues or improve this please let me know so I can share it with the rest of the community.

//Warning: This code below is not supported by Microsoft

//Place this code in the onload event of a form containing a sub-grid that you wish to filter

window.attachEvent("onload", function() {
  function locAssocObj_custom(iType, sSubType, sAssociationName, iRoleOrdinal, additionalParams, showNew, showProp, defaultViewId, customViews, allowFilterOff, disableQuickFind, disableViewPicker, viewsIds) {
    var lookupItems = LookupObjects(null, "multi", iType, 0, null, additionalParams, showNew, showProp, null, null, null, null, defaultViewId, customViews, null, null, null, null, allowFilterOff, disableQuickFind, disableViewPicker, viewsIds, false);
    if (lookupItems) lookupItems.items.length > 0 && AssociateObjects(crmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitObjectType.value, crmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitId.value, iType, lookupItems, iRoleOrdinal == 2, sSubType, sAssociationName)

  if (Mscrm.GridRibbonActions.addExistingFromSubGridAssociated) {
    Mscrm.GridRibbonActions.addExistingFromSubGridAssociated_org = window.Mscrm.GridRibbonActions.addExistingFromSubGridAssociated;

    window.Mscrm.GridRibbonActions.addExistingFromSubGridAssociated = function(gridTypeCode, gridControl) {
      if (IsNull(gridControl)) {
        throw Error.argument("value", "gridControl is null or undefined")

   //Check if a filtered grid.  If not call default method      
      if (IsNull(gridControl._element.isFiltered) || !gridControl._element.isFiltered) {
        Mscrm.GridRibbonActions.addExistingFromSubGridAssociated_org(gridTypeCode, gridControl)
      } else {
        var e = document.getElementById(;

        var showNew = (IsNull(e.showNew) ? null : e.showNew);
        var showProp = (IsNull(e.showProp) ? null : e.showProp);
        var allowFilterOff = (IsNull(e.allowFilterOff) ? null : e.allowFilterOff);
        var disableQuickFind = (IsNull(e.disableQuickFind) ? null : e.disableQuickFind);
        var disableViewPicker = (IsNull(e.disableViewPicker) ? null : e.disableViewPicker);
        var customViews = (IsNull(e.customViews) ? null : e.customViews);
        var defaultViewId = (IsNull(e.defaultViewId) ? null : e.defaultViewId);
        var viewsIds = null;

        var $v_0 = gridControl.getParameter("relName"), $v_1 = gridControl.getParameter("roleOrd"), $v_2 = false;

        switch (gridTypeCode) {
          case Mscrm.EntityTypeCode.List:
            switch ($v_0) {
              case "campaignactivitylist_association":
                window.parent.locAssocObjCampaignActivity(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1);
              case "campaignlist_association":
                locAssocObjCampaign(gridTypeCode, "subType=targetLists", $v_0, $v_1);
              case "listlead_association":
                window.parent.locAssocObjLead(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1);
              case "listcontact_association":
                window.parent.locAssocObjContact(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1);
              case "listaccount_association":
                window.parent.locAssocObjAccount(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1);
                $v_2 = true;
          case Mscrm.EntityTypeCode.Campaign:
            switch ($v_0) {
              case "campaignlist_association":
                locAssocObjList(gridTypeCode, "subType=targetLists", $v_0, $v_1);
              case "campaigncampaign_association":
                locAssocObjCampaign(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1);
                $v_2 = true;
          case Mscrm.EntityTypeCode.Product:
            switch ($v_0) {
              case "productsubstitute_association":
                locAssocObjProduct(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1);
              case "productassociation_association":
                locAssocObjProduct(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1);
              case "campaignproduct_association":
                locAssocObjCampaign(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1);
              case "competitorproduct_association":
                window.parent.locAssocObjCompetitor(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1);
                $v_2 = true; break
            $v_2 = true;
        if ($v_2) {
          var $v_3 = locAssocObj_custom;
          var additionalParams = null;
          //$v_3(gridTypeCode,"",$v_0,$v_1, additionalParams)     
          $v_3(gridTypeCode, "", $v_0, $v_1, additionalParams, showNew, showProp, defaultViewId, customViews, allowFilterOff, disableQuickFind, disableViewPicker, viewsIds);

function addSubgridCustomView(subgridID, entityTypeCode, displayName, fetchXML, layoutXML, filterType, isDefault) {
/// <summary>
/// Adds a custom view to lookup page used by a subgrid
/// </summary>
/// <param name="subgridID" type="string">
/// ID of sub-grid to add custom view to
/// </param>
/// <param name="entityTypeCode" type="int">
/// The entity type code returned by the fetch statement
/// </param>
/// <param name="displayName" type="string">
/// The name to use for the view
/// </param>
/// <param name="fetchXML" type="string">
/// The fetch XML to be used by the view
/// </param>
/// <param name="layoutXML" type="string">
/// The layout XML to be used by the view.
/// If layoutXML == null the layout from the default view of the entity will be used
/// </param>
/// <param name="filterType" type="int">
/// Type of custom view.  Default is 0
/// </param>
/// <param name="isDefault" type="boolean">
/// The layout XML to be used by the view.  
/// If layoutXML == null the layout from the default view of the entity will be used
/// </param>
/// <returns type="nothing" />
 if (IsNull(subgridID)) { throw Error.argument("value", "ID of sub-grid to filter not provided") ; return; }
 if (IsNull(entityTypeCode)) { throw Error.argument("value", "Entype code of returned object by fetchXML not provided"); return; }
 if (IsNull(fetchXML)) { throw Error.argument("value", "FetchXml not provide for custom view on sub-grid"); return; }
 if (IsNull(layoutXML)) { throw Error.argument("value", "LayoutXml not provided for custom view on sub-grid"); return; }

 var grd = document.getElementById(subgridID);

 //Check if the sub-grid has any customViews already.
 var customViews = (IsNull(grd.customViews) ? new Array() : grd.customViews);

 var oScriptlet = new ActiveXObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib");
 var viewId = oScriptlet.GUID.toString().substr(0, 38);  //Call substr to address issue of trailing white space
 //Create an object to hold the customView's information
 var customView = new Object();
   customView.fetchXml = fetchXML; = viewId;
   customView.layoutXml = layoutXML; = (IsNull(displayName) || displayName == "" ? "Filtered Lookup" : displayName);
   customView.recordType = entityTypeCode;
   customView.Type = (!IsNull(filterType) ? filterType : 0);

 //Add the customView object to the array of customViews

 //Add the array of custom views to the sub-grid
 grd.customViews = customViews;

 //Set this view as the default if desired
 if (isDefault) { grd.defaultViewId = viewId; }

var fetchXML = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>";
 fetchXML += "<entity name='account'>";
 fetchXML += "<all-attributes />";
 fetchXML += "<filter type='and'>";
 fetchXML += "<condition attribute='name' operator='like' value='test%'/>";
 fetchXML += "</filter>";
 fetchXML += "</entity>";
 fetchXML += "</fetch>";

//Build the layout to use in the lookup.  Keep in mind that you will need to know the Object Type Code
//and the primary key of object displayed
var layoutXML = "<grid name='resultset' object='1' jump='name' select='1' icon='1' preview='1'>";
 layoutXML += "<row name='result' id='accountid'>";
 layoutXML += "<cell name='name' width='300' />";
 layoutXML += "</row>";
 layoutXML += "</grid>";
//Apply custom view / lookup filter to the grid
addSubgridCustomView("#GRID_ID#", #OBJECT_TYPE_CODE#, "Test", fetchXML, layoutXML, 0, true);

Monday, June 13, 2011

How to get the Entity Type Code in CRM 2011

In CRM 4.0 you can get the ObjectTypeCode by using crmForm.ObjectTypeCode. Unfortunately, in CRM 2011 there is no explicit method in the Xrm namespace that returns the EntityTypeCode/ObjectTypeCode.  However, you can easily get the EntityTypeCode by using the Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters() method. This method will return an object with properties for each parameter in the query string. So to get the EntityTypeCode you would write something like
//var etc = Entity Type Code of active record
var etc = Xrm.Page.context.getQueryStringParameters().etc